Monday, January 28, 2013

What Are You Wearing?

Have you ever looked at someone, and thought to yourself, "What in the fuck made that person look in the mirror today and think they look good?" I do that every day. All day, every day. Maybe I'm just a judgemental bitch. But really, people need to get their shit together. You are a grown person, and you have no awareness of yourself or your body, or what you look like when you leave the house. It's fucking ridiculous.

First off, I would like to enforce upon you this thought... LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. If they were pants, they would be called fucking pants. They are leggings, to be worn with dresses and skirts, and sometimes underneath actual pants to keep your legs worn. They are not actual fucking pants! You look like a ho.

If your fat is hanging out the bottom of your shirt, you need to get a longer shirt. That's fucking disgusting, and no one wants to see that. I really don't know what makes you think that it looks attractive in the first place! Really. Have some self awareness.

Now, while I'm on the subject of heavier people, if you are bigger, don't fucking wear short skirts and short shorts and shit. It is not attractive! At all! When I say this, most people tell me "at least they're confident." You can be confident, and still be aware of what flatters you and doesn't, and what your body looks like. Honestly.

If you cannot walk in heels, then don't fucking wear them!! You don't look 'hot' when you're stumbling around and wobbling all over the place. Okay? If you can't handle them, don't wear them. Period.

Now, the thing I probably understand the least is when someone's ass is hanging out of their pants. Yes, it happens to all of us. Your pants fall down and stretch out, and sometimes you don't pull them up in time. That's ok. But if I can see your ass every fucking second of every day, then you need to fucking get your shit together.

Now, I know some people may be offended by this or whatever, but I really don't give a fuck. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this is mine. I've gotten some shit lately about people getting offended, and they can get the fuck over it. Again, if you don't like it, don't read it.

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