Monday, February 18, 2013

Calm Your Shit

Alrighty, ladies and gentlemen! I have such an awesome story for you (as requested be written about by my facebook friends and blog readers that witnessed this). First off, I would like to say 'fuck you' to the bitches who get offended by stupid shit. Seriously. For those of you that know me personally, you know that I am a nice person. I am nice to people and I don't cause drama (for the most part.. Everyone has their moments) and I really get along with pretty much anyone. You also know that I have some strong beliefs and points of view, and I am not scared to share those with everyone! Now, I decided to post something on Facebook this week that I felt was not offensive at all. I was simply stating that I am at a point in my life that I am happy with, even though I am not doing what most people my age are. This is what it was:

As you can see, a lot of people agreed with me. Because it's fucking true! Now, I have a lot of friends that are married and having children that are my age. That's ok! I'm happy for them and the lives that they are living. I just don't feel like I'm ready for that quite yet! Everyone else can do whatever the fuck they want. I don't fucking care! But apparently, this status seemed to offend some people. One person in particular. This was her response:

Uh, what? Ok. First off, I really don't think my status sounded judgemental. First off, not once did I say anything to the affect that I thought everyone else was stupid or dumb for getting married so young. I simply stated that I'm one of few not married, and that I'm ok and happy about that! Bitches need to calm their shit.

Now, it wouldn't be so bad if it was anyone else. I like Clair. We got along great in high school, I went to her wedding, which was beautiful, and she is generally a nice person. But she is contantly posting negative things on Facebook about her life and her daughter. And then she takes personal offense to my status. Honey, I understand if you are unhappy with your life, but don't fucking take it out on me! She should know that I'm happy for her! I've told her multiple times. But, whatever.

So, I make the comment that I'm not judging her, and I had quite a few friends comment about how they knew I was in no way judging anyone. That's not my thing. Live and let live. Right? So she doesn't respond, and I'm thinking, holy shit. This girl is fucking pissed! So I decide to send her a message and say hey, I'm sorry that I offended you because that's not what I intended. Guess what? She deleted me! Ha! Oh god. Really? I understand that I offended you, and I'm sorry, but this is fucking ridiculous. Why are you taking such offense to this? It was not a big deal! You need to calm your shit, and understand that the status wasn't fucking about you! But whatever. If you want to live a life where you're unhappy and take offense to everything, that's fine with me. But don't fucking take it out on me. Calm your shit, and grow the fuck up.

However, I would like to apologize to anyone else that was offended. I am in no way apologizing for what I said, but I am apologizing to those of you who took it the wrong way. As I said before, that was not the purpose! However, if you know me well enough that we're Facebook friends, then you should know that I didn't mean to offend anyone. So, fuck you.

The end.

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