Monday, February 25, 2013

Religion Is Not A Valid Reason

Oh, readers. You need to know that I am so thoroughly peeved right now. So fucking peeved! Why, you ask? Because some people are so fucking stupid! That's why. So, I saw this picture, and it needs to be discussed.

Now, this may not really seem like a big deal to most people, but there is something so incredibly wrong with this. Marriage is between you and your husband, and yes it is between God, if you are religious. But a marriage is not to fucking glorify God! Ok? And this picture brought back a memory of something else that has bothered me for a while.

The other day, me and my friends went to an old person home to do some community service and just visit with the people that lived there. They get lonely! We saw the ad to visit on KSL and thought, hey, why not? It could be fun! Holy fuck, almost everyone there asked if we were LDS. And when we said no? They were suprised that 'normal' kids came to do service. Um, religion is NOT the only reason people do service for others! And it is NOT the reason you should get married, either!

So many people go and do stuff simply for the purpose of religion, or getting into heaven. Now, I am not a religious person. But I can tell you right now that if heaven and God are real, then doing stuff simply for the purpose of going to heaven is not going to cut it! What the fuck happened to being a good person, just to be a good person? What happened to thou shalt not judge, and thou shall not lie? Because going out for service when you don't want to just for the good of it, is living a motherfucking lie! Ok? You can fight this and yell at me and say I don't know what I'm talking about, but it's true. I was once told "good luck when you meet Jesus" because I made the statement that I don't judge people for being gay. Honey, if I'm going to hell, I hope they put me on the opposite side of you, because I do not want to sit next to your bitchy judgemental self for all eternity.

If you want to be a good person, then live an honest life. Be a good person to be a fucking good person! Do service to make others feel good, and get married because you love someone, not because you want to get into heaven.

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