Friday, June 28, 2013

A Truck with Big Chains

My car got towed today.

A big truck, full of chains and negativity, rolled into my apartment complex sometime during the night while I slumbered. I'm sure it was a violent affair, and I'm glad I didn't have to watch. I only had to see the aftermath.

I walked out to my car to leave for work, and it was gone. There was nothing left but a coned-off space of asphalt, void of any vehicles. 

I don't quite remember what happened next. All of a sudden, I was within the apartment walls, calling my boss to tell her of my sad fortune.

Fuck you, tow truck. And fuck you, to my apartment complex, for towing my car. 

You see, I was told that my car had to be moved by 8 in the morning on this day. I thought, good. I leave for work at 7, allowing plenty of time for them before the deadline. But they moved my car before that. They moved it, not acknowledging the notice that they sent out, and not informing the tenants who parked there that the deadline has been printed wrong.

Luckily, the towing charges have been covered, by them, for being assholes. Fuck you, Pinnacle apartment complex. Fuck you.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Black Hole of Love

I think I may have been sucked into a black hole. Really guys, this is serious business. No fuckin' around here.

It all started a couple months ago. Every girl has a wedding board on Pinterest. Every girl. Even girls that are married have a wedding board. No one understands it, it's just fact. I've had my wedding board since the first day I had a Pinterest account. It's great, by the way, and if you aren't following me, you should. Back to the story.

As I said, it started a couple of months ago. I was pinning, as usual, from the wedding board. All of a sudden it was like I had lost all direction in my life, and the only thought I could muster was "get married."

Now, I'm a pretty sensible person. I'm only 20 years old, and I am not ready to get married. I have to be old enough to get smashed in a bar for my bachelorette party, and I would rather not get in trouble for drinking champagne at my wedding. Also, Andrew and I have only been together for one year... Yes, I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with him. But that stays the same whether we get married now or 5 years from now, so what's the rush?

So now I've got all these thoughts running through my head about how I'm young and not ready, but yet my entire being is being sucked into this black hold of love and beutiful decorations and wedding dresses and mason jars and confetti. It's like I can't stop. I can't. And the more I try to stop, the longer I sit here, pinning my dream engagement ring and finding more wedding dresses that are way outside of my price range.

I don't know what to do.

I've been on Pinterest since I got to work at 8 this morning. It's literally been 5 straight hours of pinning wedding ideas. I. Can't. Stop.

I have a problem.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Milestones and America

First off, I would like to say congratulations to Andrew and me (and yes, it is Andrew and me, not Andrew and I). This weekend, we celebrated our one year anniversary. The first year of any relationship, in my opinion, is the most crucial. We have gotten to know so much about each other. We've passed the point where we can fart in front of each other without being mortified, and somehow, we still think the other is perfect. Way to go, us. We're awesome. I love you Andrew.

Now, the other day, I was talking to my friend Mary about our government, blah blah blah. Usually I don't discuss this kind of stuff, because frankly, I really don't understand it. But readers, I am terrified.

America is going to hell.

Seriously. This is what I am afraid of.

There have been so many shootings lately, and allegedly, some of them have been staged by the government, because they want to 'prove to the people that we can't handle weapons' and to do this, they are paying people to shoot masses of people.

I'm not saying that this is true, because I have no fucking clue what's going on. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. If they were to stage this, and pay people to kill, it would show people that we are not capable of carrying our own weapons. Next step? Take them away. So then what happens? The government authorities go crazy. This country will be dictated, and we will have no way of fighting back.

Guys what if this happens? The more I think about it, the more I realize that I do not want to be here if it does. Moving to Canada is sounding pretty awesome.

Now, as I said before, I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE. All of this is in theory. To me it makes sense, thus why I am freaking the fuck out. And, of course, I just had to share it with you.

The end.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

An Interracial Cheerios Relationship

What is going on.

So, I've heard a lot of talk about the outrage that the Cheerios commercial has caused.

I'm so confused.

What you're telling me is that people are outraged because they used an interracial couple for the commercial? What year is this, again? I don't understand.

Yes, there are still racists. I understand that. But are they really THAT prominent in society? Are they really so close minded and asshole-ish that they are throwing a fit over a fucking cereal commercial? Really?

Technically speaking, Andrew and I are an inter-racial couple. He is Caucasian and I am Native American. What do you say to that?

I honestly feel so sorry for everyone who has such a closed mind. I feel sorry that you are so fucking ignorant and angry. I'm sorry that you are a mean person, with no care for another humans feelings.

I don't understand why it's such a big issue. So they're a different race. Who cares? Who is this affecting? The quality of the relationship and the strength of their love for each other does not differ from yours just because they have a different skin color or are from different countries. 

We, as people, should have moved on from this issue a long time ago. Actually, take that back. This should have never been an issue in the first place. People are people. Love is love, and a solid relationship should be fucking supported, no matter what.

It devastates me that so many people don't understand that. What if you were on the other side of the hatred and the criticism? How would you feel? I want you to think about it, and then answer this- Are you the type of person that wants to make others feel that way? Because if you are, we are not friends.

Move on with your lives. Stop being so fucking hateful and just love. Stop dicating someone else's life, and love. Stop trying to determine what should be accepted and what shouldn't and just fucking love.

I really wish that everyone could see this way...