Tuesday, June 4, 2013

An Interracial Cheerios Relationship

What is going on.

So, I've heard a lot of talk about the outrage that the Cheerios commercial has caused.

I'm so confused.

What you're telling me is that people are outraged because they used an interracial couple for the commercial? What year is this, again? I don't understand.

Yes, there are still racists. I understand that. But are they really THAT prominent in society? Are they really so close minded and asshole-ish that they are throwing a fit over a fucking cereal commercial? Really?

Technically speaking, Andrew and I are an inter-racial couple. He is Caucasian and I am Native American. What do you say to that?

I honestly feel so sorry for everyone who has such a closed mind. I feel sorry that you are so fucking ignorant and angry. I'm sorry that you are a mean person, with no care for another humans feelings.

I don't understand why it's such a big issue. So they're a different race. Who cares? Who is this affecting? The quality of the relationship and the strength of their love for each other does not differ from yours just because they have a different skin color or are from different countries. 

We, as people, should have moved on from this issue a long time ago. Actually, take that back. This should have never been an issue in the first place. People are people. Love is love, and a solid relationship should be fucking supported, no matter what.

It devastates me that so many people don't understand that. What if you were on the other side of the hatred and the criticism? How would you feel? I want you to think about it, and then answer this- Are you the type of person that wants to make others feel that way? Because if you are, we are not friends.

Move on with your lives. Stop being so fucking hateful and just love. Stop dicating someone else's life, and love. Stop trying to determine what should be accepted and what shouldn't and just fucking love.

I really wish that everyone could see this way...

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