Thursday, March 7, 2013

Men's Rights and Feminist Bitches

Alrighty. As Janna requested, today I am going to write about the Men's Rights Movement. However, I feel like this topic goes hand-in-hand with the feminist point of view, so you get to hear my opinion on both.

Here we go. All of it is a bunch of fucking bull shit.

Now, this is how I see it. Members of both of these groups are fighting for 'equal rights' and they are all 'fighting against discrimination based on gender.' Everyone in these groups feels like they've been made the victim of a war based on gender. Well guess what? You're wrong.

Now, let me tell you why I do not support either of these groups.

First off, I had this roommate, and she was hell bent on the fact that women were discriminated against, and that they didn't get equal opportunity, and women felt 'victimized' and 'scared' to apply for a higher position, because they were not men. Are you fucking joking? No. You are using feminism as a fucking excuse for why you don't have a better job, and why no one wants to fuck you. If you want the fucking job, apply for the mother fucking job! Don't sit there and say 'I'll be discriminated because I'm a women.' That's fucking bull shit, and you need to shut the fuck up.

Secondly, ladies of feminist groups, if you want to be treated equal, then stop being suck fucking bitches about it. Ok? You want equal pay, and equal rights, but yet you also stick by the rule that the man should always open the door for the lady, and pay for the meal. NO. If you want to be equal to men, then you want to be equal in ALL areas. Got it? Fuck.

Now men. Grow some mother fucking balls. You have not been suppressed by feminist points of views, and you aren't being discriminated against. You're either being a fucking pussy who's too scared to stand up for himself, or trying to find an excuse for your behavior. Yes, women lie about being raped, and they lie about domestic violence. But those women are bitches, and you just need to stop associating with them. And for those of you who have fallen victim to these crimes, I am truly sorry. But you don't need to join some bull shit group that no one cares about.

And to both groups? If you want equal rights, then why the fuck aren't you fighting for equal rights for EVERYONE? It is so fucking hypocritical to say 'I want equal rights, but only for women.' What the fuck? No. Shut your mother fucking mouth, stop being a little bitch, put down your picket signs and calm the fuck down! If you want equal rights, then stop fighting for one side or the other, and start fighting for people in general. This game of tug-of-war has gone on long enough, and if everyone would realize that it is their choice where they get in life, than things would be fine. So stop blaming others for your failure, and live up to your choices

The End.

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