Sunday, May 12, 2013

After Operation and the New Kitty

Holy fuck. It has been too long, readers. I am so sorry.

First off, surgery went well!! I am feeling so much better than I have in weeks... And I don't even have my stitches out yet.

Getting back to my normal lifestyle has been hard. Walking through Walmart is exhausting, my stomach is so swollen I still cannot button my pants, and I may or may not still be fucked up on pain meds. But I am still doing better now than I was before surgery. Woopity fucking doo.

Since the last time I posted, the cat came home. Holy shit. This has been a hard transition.

The devil lives inside of TomPaco.

Now, this is a cat who may or may not be a boy. We thought he was a boy, but upon careful observation... Well.... He has a vagina. Fuck. Whatever. Its name is still TomPaco.

He growls like a dog.

He will climb up your leg using his claws, whether you have pants on or not.

He likes water.

He also likes the crawl on your chest, and back up until his butthole is touching your face. Ew.

He's kinda cute, and him and Tito get along really well, which wasn't the case at first. Luckily they transitioned well, and did it fast. First they were biting and clawing each other , and now they cuddle and play.

So, he may be the devil, but I think we'll keep him.

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