Thursday, December 27, 2012

Why I Blog and We Do What We Want

Two blogs in one, because I just love you so fucking much.

So, I have had a few people ask me why I blog. They say, "you aren't married, and you don't have kids, so why would you blog?" First off, these people obviously have never looked at my blog. If they had, they would know that there are a plethora of things to write about, without writing about kids or my husband. I blog because I like to write. What I write about is established at the same moment that I start writing it. There are so many things to write about, and so many things that fucking piss me off that I feel I should share with the world. So, fuck you to the people who think that kids and husbands are the only thing to blog about. You, my dear friend, are fucking retarded. 

Next subject, what I actually came to write about, but felt that I should explain why I blog first, and delayed writing this one. That sentence sounds grammatically incorrect. Fuck it. Anyways, this weekend Andrew and I went to a party. Now, I am not trying to brag, but Andrew and I are a pretty fucking awesome couple. Everyone is always telling us how great we are, blah blah blah, ya I know. We're perfect. What gets me is the things people ask us, and there are a specific two that I am talking about.

  1. "Why don't you live together?" Ok, first off, that's none of your fucking business. We will move in with each other when we feel that we are both ready for that. That's a big step in a relationship, and a lot of financial responsibility. It really peeves me with people ask this. And it's not just the questions they ask about this either. Last weekend at this party that I mentioned above, someone made the comment to Andrew that he was still living on his own, while I had to find a roommate on KSL to pay the rent. And? That's how we wanted to do it. That doesn't make Andrew a bad boyfriend. I don't blame him! If I could live with my parents, I would. It's the smart thing to do. So shut the fuck up and stop judging him. Honestly, that pissed me the fuck off. So, stop fucking asking. We do what we want.
  2. "When are you gonna get married/tie the knot/get hitched?" Uh, what? You do realize that I'm 19 years old, and Andrew is 21, right? We are still babies! I'm not ready to get married! I still have to go to college! Besides, I would like to be old enough to get into the bar before I get married.
So, for those of you who keep asking us these questions, just shut the fuck up. Not only are you annoying the shit out of me, and asking questions that are none of your business, but you are adding so much pressure to our relationship. Asking questions like that makes me feel like we aren't moving fast enough/doing what's expected. So shut the fuck up and mind your own business. We will move at our own pace, AS A COUPLE. Not as a group. And you are not invited to give us your opinions on how we should progress as a couple.

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